Ok so here is the break down...
First, let me say this to my beautiful wife, Elise. My lover, my best friend, mother of my child, keeper of my heart and soul: I LOVE YOU! You are my everything amd there is nothing you can do to make this any better-- you are perfect for me! Now as my wife loves to tell to me, "let's move on, shall we?"
In my opinion, I am married to the top prize of SL. She is the sweetest, kindest person I know and guess what, some of you bone-headed simpletons think cause she says hi to you that you actually have a shot. **falls off chair laughing** It amazes me how truely silly you all can be with words like, "if I had you, you would never want for anything..." or "if we were together, I would be whispering in your ear as you are moaning in mine..." I mean what a load of crap-- wow, she's way to smart to fall for that shit, brother!
She has everything she wants and if she wants it, I will find a way to get it for her, period. And as far as moaning in your ear, "wow, really?" Jesus Christ!! Look at yourself..... a lil closer .... yeah, she CAN do better-- foolish kid, she already has done better ......... with me!
I could count the times you fools run up and play your game but guess what, because she is nice to you that doesn't mean she wants you. It means she is kind, she is wonderful-- so here is a thought for you "dipshits":
1) Find a girl (your own girl) and treat her the way she should be treated.
2) Love her honor her live each day to please her.
3) Make her your princess and be willing to hurt yourself for her happiness.
....when you can do that and she returns it to you-- then you can brag all you like and then you can be the man.... cause right now, I AM THE MAN!
**Sidebar** from me to you, your rap ain't shit and you don't have any game, but chin up... who knows LOL. Maybe the Gods will smile on you someday. Peace Out - I am going to get laid tonight!!!
More to cum.......